Beginner-Friendly Gym  





Where ego stays at the door, everyone helps each other and we train as a community

When you join GymCarey you don't just gain access to a well-stocked gym – You join a vibrant and friendly community. There's always something going on, and our more seasoned athletes are more than happy to help out or encourage newer gymgoers.

No matter your fitness goals or experience level, there's a place for you at our close-knit ego-free gym in Bridport.

The kettle is always on if you want to pay us a visit. If you have any questions, give us a call at 07875 344480.  

Sign Up Today








Why join our beginner-friendly gym?

While there's no shortage of gyms around today – Both independent like us and shiny commercial chains – We like to think that we do things a little differently than everybody else.

A Welcome Environment

Some people go to the gym for the first time to find it full of bellowing machismo, glaring strangers and general hostility, and leave never to enter one again. That's not us at all. We ask everyone to leave their ego at the door, look out for one another and stick to gentle motivation over screaming encouragement.

We Help People Find their Pace

Despite what the internet or fitness magazines might try to tell you, there's no one-size-fits-all approach to fitness. A six-day-a-week routine that somebody else got great results on might leave you barely able to move. As part of our commitment to our members, we help people figure out what exercises, frequency and intensity works for them.

Over the years we've seen people get great results from as little as 2 casual sessions a week, just as we've seen others get great results from 4 hard sessions a week. We'll help find what works for you.

Anybody is Welcome

Just because we're a beginner-friendly gym doesn't mean we'll turn people away. As long as you have a positive attitude and a willingness to help others, you're welcome at GymCarey.

Come and visit our gym in Bridport, or call us at 07875 344480 if you have any questions.




What We Offer

We offer flexible drop-ins, beginner-friendly gym taster sessions and hands-on personal training suitable for any fitness goal. Take a look at our offerings, or call us at 07875 344480 if you have any questions.

Come and visit the friendliest gym in Bridport to see what we're about.


Gym in Bridport


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Personal Training
Drop-in Session
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Where To Find Us

Our beginner-friendly gym has equipment for every goal and time for every member. You can find us just outside the Bridport town centre at:

Unit 20

Crepe Farm Business Park


