Personal Training



With 25 years of experience under Nigel's belt, you're in more than capable hands

When you take personal training under Nigel, you benefit not only from his wealth of strength and conditioning experience learned from nearly 30 years of hard work – You enjoy the services of a personal trainer who will be working alongside you the majority of the session. He calls it ‘leading from the front' – You'll never do something he's not prepared to do himself.

Just like old school trainers used to, you'll be provided with a notepad and pencil to keep track of how many repetitions you've done and how much weight you've lifted. Looking through your old training notes and seeing how far you've come is better motivation than any personal trainer can provide.

One particular area Nigel excels at is how to train around injuries. Thanks to life outside the gym, he's trained around a fresh knee replacement surgery, a torn bicep and more. Each time comes back fitter than before. Aches, pains and injuries may not have to get in the way of your health and fitness.  




Come and visit the friendliest gym in Bridport to see what we're about and meet the man himself. Our doors are open and the kettle is always on.

Contact Today


You can find us at:

Unit 20

Crepe Farm Business Park


